Although 500 still photographs are known to survive, there are about 80 to 100 stills from Cleopatra that are missing. These, if they still exist, could contribute enormously to the completion of the reconstruction.
Many of the stills taken for the purposes of publicizing the release of 'Cleopatra bear serial numbers. While some portrait of Theda Bara in costume shots bear numbers like '15', the serialized stills show scenes from the movie, and bear numbers like 20-41, '20' being the 20th production of J. Gordon Edwards for Fox followed by the number indicating its place in the series of stills. Edwards subsequent '25' for Salome (1918), and '44' forThe Queen of Sheba (1921), both lost films for which stills are being collected for their possible reconstruction. Sometimes these have the prefix 'E' or 'EDW' for Edwards, as in 'EDW-44-397', as the cumbersome Fox system inevitably ran into trouble as Fox productions increased in number.
If you have any stills you think may be from any of these three films, please contact us at mmovy@yahoo.com or Trenchartprod@gmail.com.
Please send serial numbers if you have them. We don't need the physical photograph if you can provide a quality high resolution scan, which can be sent electronically. If you know of someone not on the internet who has stills from Cleopatra or other lost films, please inform them of this project to find out if they would be interested in participating, or send us their contact information.